Towards Financial Independence

journey of an average retail investor


My Road To Financial Independence by 2024 ( was started in 2007 to jot down my musings of my pursuit of financial independence. Investment is my chosen mean not only for a possibly higher return but also because I enjoy learning about other businesses beyond my regular work.

If you would like to have further correspondence, you can reach me at

Where am I now?

Based on Kyith’s 11 Stages of Wealth, I am probably between Stage 7 Security (including interest from CPF) and Stage 8 Independence. Why in between? Stage 8 really depends on my investment return. While past records show that on average over a 5-year period I should be able to do it, nothing is guaranteed in the investment world.

Year 2023

This year marks the start of a new phase of my life. I left my job of 22 years and there will be no more regular income. It was exciting and scary when I initially brooded over it. With some thinking and planning, I no longer feel as fearful about it and am excited to experience what will pop up in my life. You can read this post Can I ditch my regular pay? if you are interested in what went through my mind last year when I was deliberating this decision. If you are interested what I will be doing going forward, you can read this post What are you going to do?

Back to Investment

I used to own Singapore counters only, but since 2018 I have ventured into US market. Current strategy is to adopt a 60:40 dividend vs growth counters. The dividend counters will provide a stream of steady income and the growth counters should help increase the portfolio size. Details of my investment goal and strategies can be found on Goal and Strategies page.

In a nutshell

Time spent here should be worthwhile if you are looking to grow your wealth slowly through investing in good companies for the long term.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Great achievement. Just a matter of curiosity how long did you take to accumulate the first $ 100,000.00 profit?

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